Friday, 13 May 2016

What is Autism? What Causes Autism?

Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person's life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person's communication and social interaction skills.
People with autism have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter.
What is ASD?
ASD stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder and can sometimes be referred to as Autistic Spectrum Disorder. In this text Autism and ASD mean the same. ASDs are any developmental disabilities that have been caused by a brain abnormality. A person with an ASD typically has difficulty with social and communication skills.
A person with ASD will typically also prefer to stick to a set of behaviors and will resist any major (and many minor) changes to daily activities. Several relatives and friends of people with ASDs have commented that if the person knows a change is coming in advance, and has time to prepare for it; the resistance to the change is either gone completely or is much lower.

The Government of Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the countries that have large population in the world. Indonesia has thousands islands. Indonesia country is passed through by the equator. Indonesia has two seasons. The two seasons are summer and rainy season. In few part of Indonesia country there are snow, like in top of Jaya Wijaya Mountain. In Indonesia, we can do everything. We can plant many kinds of plants; we can do fishing, and many other activities.
Most of the populations of Indonesia country are Muslim because of that the leader of Indonesia always taken by Muslim.  Talking about the politic, Indonesia has unique politics. Everything is tolerant. Corruptions, cheating and also lying are tolerant. The character of Indonesian people give color for politic in Indonesia. The leader of Indonesia doing their obligation as a leader is not based on politic, but it is based on the advantages that can be found in that position. Politic in Indonesia is very bad. Almost all of the political parties in Indonesia like Golkar, PDI, GERINDRA, etc are not based on Al-Qur’an. All of them are based on two aspects, are money and positions. Even the color of organization is Muslim; it is possible the activity behind that organization is still based on money and position.


A.      The Nature of Writing

              According to Kroma (1988), is kind of activity where the writer expresses all the ideas in his mind in the paper from words to sentence, sentence to paragraph to essay. There are some other features of writing such as; writing is permanent, distant, planned, formal, linear, and a process.  
 1.        Writing is a Permanent
              Writing is not only for historical document but also for the diary of our life that provides concrete proof which can be remembered again.
 2.        Writing is Distant
              Written massages are not only informed or felt through time but also through space. We can share our writing to another people in other side of the world.
 3.        Writing is Planned
              Every writing activity is always started with thinking. We always think before we write down something. One thing that is clear, more important documents need much greater planning.
 4.        Writing is Formal
              Writing always conveys the important information, so that we usually write in formal form. The more important document, the more formal it will be.
 5.        Writing is Linear
              We start writing on the left-hand side of the page to the right-hand side. We write massage in forward progression: state the cause and explain the effect. All this seems to show a straight forward movement, from start to finished, left to right and beginning to end.
 6.        Writing is a Process
              Writing is more of cyclical process. After we write, we always re-read, correct a slip, go on, stop, re-read it again until we get the best way to proceed and so on.

5 Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language

During the modern age, with globalization at its height, knowing one or two secondary languages has become more than a simple feat of high class and intelligence but also a strict requirement in many occasions. Whether it’s for professional, social or personal reasons, learning at least one foreign language is a must for anyone that wants to keep his or her head up high in today’s society. Let’s take a focused look on 5 of the main reasons that should turn you towards learning a foreign language.

1.    Professional Requirement
This is probably the main reason for which one would learn a foreign language. Many professions require the knowledge of at least one or two foreign languages, depending on the field of the job. Most jobs may ask that you know an international language such as English, French, Spanish or German or a business-specific language such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian and so forth. If you’re a native English speaker you may have it a bit easier, since English is the main international language (and one that is present the most often in job descriptions) but knowing a secondary might also prove vital.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

BPJS KESEHATAN: Tarif Standar Pelayanaan Direvisi

Kementerian Kesehatan memastikan skema tarif Ina Cbgs akan dievaluasi setelah Presiden menetapkan tarif iuran BPJS Kesehatan.
Donald Pardede, Kepala Pusat Pembiayaan dan Jaminan Kesehatan (P2JK) Kementerian Kesehatan, mengatakan revisi penetapan tarif Indonesia Case Based Groups (Ina CBGs) terus dipersiapkan. Saat ini, Kementerian Kesehatan telah melakukan sejumlah simulasi.Selain itu, dikumpulkan saran lintas kementerian sebagai dasar tarif pembayaran.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Memilih Standar Mutu Eksternal

Penting untuk diingat bahwa memperoleh sebuah tanda atau standar mutu tidak berarti sudah menjamin keberadaan mutu dengan sendirinya. Walaupun demikian, tanda atau standar mutu dapat menegakkan kedisiplinan, penilaian eksternal, dan proses yang jelas untuk memperoleh mutu. Tanda atau standar tersebut juga memiliki nilai publisitas potensial yang luar biasa dalam suatu institusi dan publik umum. Sebagai pemasaran internal mutu, pesan merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Dan mendapatkan standar nasional maupun internasional, merupakan nilai tambah yang bisa dipergunakan dalam penyampaian pesan tersebut.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The Citizen's Charter (Piagam Citizen)

Piagam Citizen memiliki publisitas yang luas, dan pada tahun 1992, setelah melaksanakan pemilihan umum internalnya, lembaga tersebut memiliki Kabinet Menteri sendiri. Piagam tersebut merupakan program yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap publik dan menyediakan pilihan bagi mereka. Piagam tersebut melakukan publikasi secara detail tentang pelayanan seperti yang diinginkan publik dan menjelaskan kepadda mereka tentang prosedur komplain yang tepat. Prinsip dasar piagam tersebut mencakup semua layanan publik termasuk pendidikan. Dalam pendidikan,